Flashback 1903: Scientists were aware of Arrhenius’s theory but CO2’s effect ‘was assumed to be benign’
As early as 1903 — when Republican Theodore Roosevelt was president — “scientists were aware of (Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius’s) theory that CO2 emissions could bring global warming,” says Spencer Weart, a climate historian and author of “The Discovery of Global Warming.” But “it was regarded as speculative, and it had no policy implications since warming was not expected until centuries later, if at all, and was assumed to be benign,” he says.
Father Of Global Warming (Prof. Arrhenius) Believed That Doubling CO2 Was A Good Thing – Flashback 1910: It ‘has been called to our attention by Prof. Arrhenius….that the present proportion of carbon dioxide in the air is about one part in 2,500. This would be about doubled, if it were not modified by vegetable life, by the consumption of the present known coal deposits, and it is stated that a doubling of the quantity in the atmosphere would more than double the rate of growth of plant life’
‘Electrified children’: 1911: The Father of global warming Prof. Svante Arrhenius thought exposing children to electricity would make them smarter – Rodney and Otamatea Times – October 25, 1911: ‘Electricity And The Growth of Children’: ‘At the suggestion of Prof. Svante Arrhenius, an experiment is being tried in Stockholm on fifty school children. The children are divided into two groups identical in point of health, height, weight, etc. and are placed in two class-rooms of the same dimensions, and similarly situated as regards exposure of light. In each class-room, exactly the same teaching is given, but one of the class-rooms is subjected to electricity, while the other is not. As yet, the experiment has not drawn to a close, but it is reported that the ‘electrified children’ have shown a greater mental and physical development than those in the other classroom.’
Real Science Responds to Dessler: ‘Excellent News! The 1990 report showed no hockey stick, the (Medieval Warm Period) was much warmer, and no acceleration in sea level rise.’
Real Science Rebuttal: ‘Here is the view from my Greenland plantation at the summer solstice. It is difficult to keep up with the crops at 1ÂșC.’
Read more: http://www.climatedepot.com/2016/02/15/flashback-1903-scientists-aware-of-arrheniuss-theory-but-co2s-effect-was-assumed-to-be-benign/#ixzz40X97mraY